How to get a Detailed Access Guide

Watch the video below to learn how to get a Detailed Access Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AccessAble a business? What is the funding model?

AccessAble is a business and has been trading since 2000. We were founded by a disabled student, Gregory Burke, who was continually frustrated in his attempt to access society. Since then, AccessAble has consulted and involved over 1,500 groups of disabled people to shape both the service and the mission to empower disabled people with choice and independence.

AccessAble was purposely established as a business to help ensure the future sustainability of the essential service we provide to disabled people and carers. Gregory was also keen to avoid a situation where AccessAble would have to 'compete' for funding alongside charities doing impactful work in the disability space.

AccessAble is committed to enabling venues of all sizes to have a Detailed Access Guide. We do all we can to keep costs as low as possible, while ensuring that we produce a great quality product and pay our team the real Living Wage (as set by the Living Wage Foundation).

All quotes are based on the time we expect our surveyor to spend assessing a venue. Post survey it takes 2 - 3 times as long to produce a quality-assured finished Detailed Access Guide. All costs quoted are inclusive of quality assurance, hosting and publication.

Our focus is providing trusted, detailed information that can be kept up to date using a sustainable model, that delivers value for years to come. Working on this basis has allowed us to grow our service over the past 20 + years to serve 6 million + disabled people a year and provide trusted information to over 70,000 venues.

AccessAble has a strong track record of reinvestment. The Your Accessibility Guide portal and Guided Assessment option are excellent examples of this.

How long will it take for my Detailed Access Guide to be published on AccessAble.co.uk after my assessment?

If you have booked a Guided Assessment, your Detailed Access Guide will be live within two weeks of your assessment. If you have booked an On Site Assessment, your Detailed Access Guide will be live within four weeks of your assessment.

Will your surveyor judge or rate the accessibility of my venue?

Our surveyors will not give your venue a rating or say whether the accessibility is good or bad, they will simply collect access information. We understand that each property is unique, and that accessibility means something different to everyone.

How will an assessment help me to improve the accessibility of my venue?

Your assessment includes an Accessibility Improvement Report (not published) on issues you may like to consider tackling, many of which are no cost or low cost.

How can I promote my Detailed Access Guide?

Your website can seamlessly link to your Detailed Access Guide on AccessAble to reassure all your customers with accessibility questions. Once your Guide is published our team will get in touch with helpful advice on how to promote your Guide and keep it up to date.

How can I get in touch with AccessAble if I need more information?

We would love to hear your feedback on what we do. If you have a question or a suggestion please get in touch with us.

Email address: contactus@youraccessibilityguide.co.uk (opens email client)

Phone: 01438 842 710

Text: 07897 032494

By post:

18-20 High Street

Something’s changed at my venue. Will my Detailed Access Guide be updated?

If you would like to report a change at your venue you will need to login to the My Account area of the website www.YourAccessibilityGuide.co.uk where you will find details on how to get in touch with a member of our Team. If it’s simply a text change, you can use the “Something Changed?” button on the Detailed Access Guide and complete the form.

I have a large hotel / large tourist attraction. Can I access the Guided Assessment option?

Our Guided Assessment option is suitable for small to medium-sized venues. For larger or more complex venues we offer an On Site Assessment. This provides a greater depth of information to your customers or guests. This can be particularly valuable if people spend significant amounts of time at your venue, as a day trip or an overnight stay.