A distanced perspective of three people laughing (one femme wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, one femme in a manual wheelchair wearing a pink blouse and one male wearing a blue jumper and black trousers) inside of a museum.

Welcome to the Your Accessibility Guide portal


The Your Accessibility Guide portal is AccessAble’s solution to help businesses and venues provide the vital accessibility information disabled people and carers have told us they need.


VisitScotland is working with AccessAble to provide a Detailed Access Guides service. Guides provide essential information for disabled people. They create more commercial opportunity for you.

Why have a Detailed Access Guide?

Providing an accessible and inclusive experience is fundamental to –

  • serving your existing customers better
  • reaching new customers
  • ensuring your venue can access the £274 billion Purple Pound – the money spent by disabled people and their families every year

The word ‘disability’ relates to a wide range of conditions. Everyone’s access needs are different and what one person may consider accessible another person may not. For example, what a wheelchair user, someone who is neurodivergent and a person with hearing loss will be looking for will really vary.

This is why information is crucial. 98% of disabled people look for accessibility information before choosing to visit somewhere for the first time. 3 quarters of disabled people have said that they will not visit a new place if they cannot find the information they need.

So, a key question for any venue or business is how do the 16 million disabled people and 4.9 million carers in the UK alone find out about the accessibility of my venue?

AccessAble serves over 6 million disabled people and carers each year. They tell us that they face a postcode lottery when it comes to finding quality, trusted accessibility information.

With your help and support we believe this portal could deliver a dramatic step-change.

Thank you.